Proposal Of Rental car Business
Based on Smart Grid
1-1. Why did we select this topic
Not long ago Korea experienced massive electrical failures caused by the outage of power demand. Many systems fell apart without a supply of electricity, such as hospital, factory, traffic signals and so on.
It let us know that what an important agent the electricity is in the life of today.
Not contingently, many countries including many developed countries also experienced the massive electrical failures ever, and it’s almost impossible to predict that when and where will be an accident yet.
So we need the smart grid to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of electricity services.
Smart gird has been widely used in eco-industries in now days. Our group will focus on that how to used smart grid to power the electric cars, and then open up the electric car industry in Korea.
1-2. Definition of Smart Grid
SmartGrid,스마트그리드 에너지공학 발표레포트
스마트 그리드
스마트그리드 분야는 기존의 전력망에 IT기술 즉, 통신망을 이용하여 정보를 쌍방향으로 전달이 가능한 시스템.을 말한다. AMI 시스템은 물론 이고, 발전, 송전 및 배전망의..
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