Selene: I saw a documentary on that. It s a birth dance.
다큐멘터리에서 봤어. 탄생춤이야.
Jesse: A birth dance.
Selene: Yeah.
[they stop and watch for a little while, until its over. They clap]
Jesse: Should I give her some money
이것도 돈 내야 돼
Selene: Yeah.
Jesse: Everything that s interesting costs a little bit of money. I m telling you.
재미있는 건 죄다 돈이 드네.
[He puts some coinage in the pot, and they begin to walk away.]]
Jesse: So, birth dance, huh Looked a little bit like a mating dance to me.
탄생춤 짝짓기춤 같은데
Selene: No, but really. Women used this when giving birth. In some parts of the world,
they still do it.
아냐, 출산할 때 추는 춤이래, 아직 행해지는 곳도 있어.
Jesse: Yeah
Selene: Yeah. The woman in labor enters a tent, and the women of her tribe surround her, and dance, and they encourage the birthing woman to dance with them as... so as to make the birth less painful.
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