Safety guide of the vehicle
Rationale on topic
People are always aware of danger about car accidents. But, they often overlook the accidents inside the car concerned about seat belt, suffocation etc. There are lots of blind spots about the vehicle.
So, we are going to suggest three accidents case inside the car and provide each precaution.
Is This safe for children
1. Seat belt and Car seat
Risk of passenger seat
If the child with less than 10 kg, set up towel or cushion
around the head.
Different safety device for child’s age
How to do
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건축과 컴퓨터
목 차
1. IPD의 개념
2. IPD의 등장배경 및 필요성
3. IPD의 적용 사례
4. BIM과 IPD의 관계
5. BIM을 활용한 IPD에서의 주요관건
6. 출처
1. IPD의 개념
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Ⅲ. SOLAS 협약의 주요 내용
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Ⅳ. 결론
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