I. Little Jack Horner
1. Paraphrasing:
Little Jack Horner
Sat in a corner.
He was eating a Christmas pie.
He pushed his thumb into the pie,
And pulled a plum out of the pie,
And said, What a good boy am I!
<꼬마 잭 호너>
꼬마 잭 호너가
구석에 앉아서
크리스마스 파이를 먹고있다.
그 아이는 엄지를 풀 찔러넣어
건포도를 빼내곤
말했다, 나 얼마나 착한 아이야!
2. Discussion: Discuss the symbolic meanings of a pie and a plum in relation to the meaning and idea of a poem.
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영시 Loveliest of Trees에 대한 해석 영시 Loveliest of Trees에 대한 해석
Loveliest of Trees
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영시 God_'s Grandeur 에 대한 해석 영시 God's Grandeur 에 대한 해석
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All about TESCO
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02 산업소개
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05 토의과제
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(George Herbert 1593∼1633)
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And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;
Round many western islands have I been
Which bards ..
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Asthro 1.원문
As thro' the Land at Eve We Went
As thro' the land at eve we went,
And pluck'd the ripen'd ears,
We fell out, my wife and I,
O, we fell out, I know not why,
And kiss'd again with tears.