(검색결과 약 17,267개 중 29페이지)
서식 > 계약서    6페이지 
AFTER-SERVICE AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered into this () day of (), 20( ) by and between ABC Co., Ltd.,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea and..
서식 > 계약서    2페이지 
REGISTERED TRADEMARK USER AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on ___,____, 2000__ by and between World Corp. with its office at ___ (hereinafter called XYZ) of the one part and Wond..
식품위생용 종이제품 제조업의 시장동향
비지니스 > 경제동향    3페이지 
식품위생용, 종이제품, 제조업, 연도별, 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔액, 주요생산비, 그래프, 연간자료, 제조업시장동향, 시장, 동향, 년간, 년간동향,..
식품위생용, 종이제품, 제조업, 연도별, 사업체수, 월평균종사자수, 연간급여액, 출하액, 생산액, 부가가치, 유형고정자산 연말잔액, 주요생산비, 그래프, 연간자료, 제조업시장동향, 시장, 동향, 년간, 년간동향, Manufacture of Sanitary Paper Articles for Food
서식 > 행정민원서식    1페이지 
[별지 제13호의 2서식] 주요방산물자수출업신고서 (Notification of Export Business for Major Defense Item) 처리기간 (Handling time) 15일(15Days) 상호 (Name of Firm) 전화번호 (Phone No.) 팩스번호 (FAX..
영문 수탁가공무역계약서(Bonded Processing Trade Contract)
서식 > 계약서    2페이지 
BONDED PROCESSING TRADE CONTRACT This contract is made and agreed on this Nineteenth day of August,19___by and between the following parties concerned: American Trade Inc., hereinafter referre..
서식 > 행정민원서식    2페이지 
후천성면역결핍증검사확인서 Certificate of HIV Test No. 검사년월일: Date of HIV Test 성명: Name in Full 주민등록번호: (Passport No. ) Resident Registration 직업: Occupation 결..
서식 > 행정민원서식    2페이지 
후천성면역결핍증검사확인서 Certificate of HIV Test No. 검사년월일: Date of HIV Test 성명: Name in Full 주민등록번호: (Passport No. ) Resident Registration 직업: Occupation 결..
영문 수입대리점계약서
서식 > 계약서    5페이지 
AGENCY AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into on of by and between ,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of (hereinafter referred to as Company) and (hereinafter referred ..
영문 매매계약서(sales agreement)
서식 > 계약서    12페이지 
SALES AGREEMENT This Agreement(Agreement)is made this [1st] day of [March, 1997] by and between [ABC Corp.], with its registered office at [140, West 51st Street, New York, N.Y.,U.S.A.] (Buy..
서식 > 계약서    5페이지 
EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT(Employment Agreement ) made and entered into this 1st day of October, 1974, by and between Kanto G.T Kabushiki Kaisha(Employer),a Japanese stock com..
서식 > 계약서    7페이지 
EQUIPMENT LOAN AGREEMENT This EQUIPMENT LOAN AGREEMENT (Loan Agreement) is made by and between Wonder Limited, a company with principal offices located at ___,(Lender), and World Corp.,a Korean c..
영문 고용계약서2
서식 > 계약서    5페이지 
EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT(Employment Agreement ) made and entered into this 1st day of October, 1974, by and between Kanto G.T Kabushiki Kaisha(Employer),a Japanese stock com..
영문 OEM계약서_1
비지니스 > 무역수출입    7페이지 
OEM Agreement This Agreement, made and entered into as of this __th day of ___, 1999 by and between [ OOO ],a corporation existing under the law of [ OOO ] having its principal address at [ OOO ] (..
서식 > 행정민원서식    2페이지 
후천성면역결핍증 검사확인 신청 * 채혈로 갈음함 * AIDS(후천성면역결핍증) 검사는 통상적인 검사로, 별도의 양식을 갖춘 서식이 필요치 않고 민원인이 검사를 원할시는 조건, 제약없이 무료로 검사를 ..
서식 > 행정민원서식    2페이지 
후천성면역결핍증 검사확인 신청 * 채혈로 갈음함 * AIDS(후천성면역결핍증) 검사는 통상적인 검사로, 별도의 양식을 갖춘 서식이 필요치 않고 민원인이 검사를 원할시는 조건, 제약없이 무료로 검사를 ..
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