(검색결과 약 23,848개 중 15페이지)
영문 상호개발계약서
비지니스 > 무역수출입    11페이지 
JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 20 , by and between ABC, Ltd.,a corporation established and existing under the laws of , having its principal place o..
서식 > 계약서    5페이지 
LEASE AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this (date) day of (month), 200_, between Lessor Inc.,a Korean corporation with its registered head office at ___(the Lessor) and Lessee Co..
서식 > 계약서    2페이지 
<위탁가공무역계약서 예시> CONSIGNMENT PROCESSING CONTRACT This contract is made and enters into on .. 2000 by and between (hereinafter referred to as A) and (hereinafter referred to as B) Article ..
서식 > 계약서    5페이지 
옵션계약서 (OPTION AGREEMENT) 영문판입니다. OPTION AGREEMENT(영문‐옵션계약서) This Agreement, made on the ___ day of ___ by and between ___ , a company organized and existing under the laws of _..
commercial merits , limited period
영문 계약종료대비계약서
서식 > 계약서    1페이지 
TERMINATION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT(계약종료대비계약서) This Termination and Settlement Agreement(Agreement), dated Mar 7, 1999, by and between ABC Company, having its head office at ___ (Licens..
영문 계약종료대비계약서
비지니스 > 무역수출입    1페이지 
TERMINATION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT(계약종료대비계약서) This Termination and Settlement Agreement(Agreement), dated Mar 7, 1999, by and between ABC Company, having its head office at ___ (Licensee..
영문 한중간 매매계약서(Sales Contract)
서식 > 계약서    13페이지 
Sales Contract (한중간) PREFACE Since the normalization of diplomatic relations between neighbors Korea and China in 1992, the trade relations have developed in a desired direction and the vol..
영문 계약의향서
서식 > 계약서    2페이지 
LETTER OF INTENT This Letter of Intent (LOI) made and entered into this day of, 1992, by and between OOO, a Korean corporation having its principal Sochogu, Seoul, the Republic of Korea office at..
영문 계약의향서
비지니스 > 무역수출입    2페이지 
LETTER OF INTENT This Letter of Intent (LOI) made and entered into this day of, 1992, by and between OOO, a Korean corporation having its principal Sochogu, Seoul, the Republic of Korea office at c..
서식 > 계약서    1페이지 
계약종료대비계약서(TERMINATION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT)영문판입니다. TERMINATION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This Termination and Settlement Agreement("Agreement"), dated Mar 7, 1999, by and betw..
License , Technical , rights
서식 > 계약서    2페이지 
RETAINER AGREEMENT This Retainer Agreement (the Agreement) is made as of (Date)th day of(Month) (Year) by and between ABC Corp., with its head office at Korea (the Company) and ___[Name of Lawyer..
서식 > 계약서    6페이지 
TECHNICAL LICENSE AGREEMENT === THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on (일자) of(월) () by and between(기술제공회사명 ),a corporation organized and existing under the laws of (기술제공국명), ..
RELAXING PLANTING RESTRICTIONS,Market Effects of Relaxing Planting Restrictions of Fruit and Vegetable in U.S.
리포트 > 경영/경제    25페이지 
Market Effects of Relaxing Planting Restrictions of Fruit and Vegetable in U.S. I. INTRODUCTION Market Effects of Relaxing Planting Restrictions of Fruit and Vegetable in U.S. Department of Food..
서식 > 계약서    15페이지 
JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT 본 사례는 한국의 XYZ사가 미국의 ABC사와 합작으로 한국내에서 신규 J/V를 설립하고자 하여 ABC가 작성한 초안으로서, 주로 XYZ사의 입장에서 검토한 것임. THIS AGREEMENT made and e..
서식 > 계약서    21페이지 
DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into this first day of July, 1996 by and between [X Inc,.] a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic o..
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