
1. 외식업의선택요인에대한부정적구전커뮤.hwp
2. 외식업의선택요인에대한부정적구전커뮤.pdf
외식업의 선택요인에 대한 부정적 구전커뮤니케이션과
구매행동과의 관계
Relation between Negative Word-of-Mouth Communication on Choice of Restaurant and Purchasing Behavior in the Customer of Food Service

Lee, Joung-Sil․Choi, Soon-Hee


Lots of consumers today would like to collect information prior their purchasing behavior and, in fact, they obtain relative information from their friend, relatives or neighbors. Thus, word-of-mouth communications is one of the most important element of sales promotion methods by the markers. Therefore, this research looks into what negative communications is and its relation to purchase behavior.
In order to achieve the objects of this study, questionnaires were developed. The questionnaire conducted for the audience of Busan citizen who had experiences negative word-of-mouth communications regarding choice of food service industry.