
1. 기업재무론_수정본-워렌버핏.pptx
2. 기업재무론_수정본-워렌버핏.pdf
Warren Buffet’s investment secret

⊙ Who is Warren Buffett
Name: Warren Edward Buffet
Born : August 30, 1930 (age:81)
Education: University of pennsylvania
University of Nebrask(BS)
Columbia University (MS)
Occupation: Chairman CEO of Berkshire
Years: 1951-present
Salary $100,000
Net Worth: $ 50 billion (2010)
(Samsung Net profit :$ 13.67 billion (2010))

What is the Value investing

Price of stock ≠ Value of firm

⊙ What is the value investment
⊙ The principle of Benjamin graham
Benjamin Graham wrote “The Intelligent Investor” on his investment theory. Buffet said that Famous investor Warren Buffett described it as by far the best book on investing ever written