
1. 맥카페_마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,.pptx
2. 맥카페_마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기.pdf
[Principle of marketing class]
Mc cafe’
Marketing plan
Executive summary
Mc cafe in Korea was launched in 2009
Mc cafe in America and Europe make big success.
But unlike this case, Mc cafe in Korea made only a little progress.
Executive summary
And, actually the favor is not different with the competitor.
Marketing Situation
Market description
product review
Most customers age group is 20-30.
And Most of them are women.
product review
Current cup
Competitive review
Competitive review
Channel Logistics

Mc cafe sell three kinds of coffees in Mc donald and this is only channel of it.
there are 30,000 Mc donald restaurant in 119 countries.

Lavazza coffee is premium coffee beans
brand which charge 45% of Italy retail
coffee market.
They sold 14,000,000,000 cups annual.
SWOT analyze
Marketing plan
Object and Issue