Ⅰ. Content of each chapter.
1. The seventh chapter : The Apostle speaks of the passing of the old Law of death and of the reaction of the carnal nature to the Law.
2. The eighth chapter : The Apostle shows that we must firmly adhere to the law of Christ, because His Law is one of life and spirit.
3. The ninth chapter : The Apostle sorrows overs the hardening of the Jews and shows that the Jews have not been cheated out of the promises of the Fathers. He reminds them of the call of the heathen.
4. The tenth chapter : The Apostle intercedes for the Jews and shows that the righteousness which makes (man) worthy of eternal life, comes alone from the Law of Christ (the Gospel) and from faith in Christ.
5. The eleventh chapter : The Apostle rebukes the reviling of the Jews by the heathen, shows the present blinding of the Jews, and the depth of divine wisdom.
Ⅱ. Analysis of each chapter.
1. The seventh chapter
⑴Romans 7:1~6 - An illustration of marriage.
This part explain the l
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2. 中..
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My attention fix
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