THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this 27th day January, 1972 between all shareholders of KOREA COMPANY, LIMITED represented by shareholder (hereinafter called KOREA GROUP), KOREA COMPANY, LTD. organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea, and having its registered office at Seoul, Korea, JAPAN COMPANY, LIMITED, organized and existing under the laws of Japan, and having its registered office at Tokyo, Japan(hereinafter called JAPAN) and U.S. INC., organized and existing under the laws of the State of
Ohio, the United States of America, and having is registered office at Ohio, U.S.A.(hereinafter called U.S.).
WHEREAS, U.S. and JAPAN have been engaged for many years in the manufacture and sale of electronic parts, and U.S. has acquired considerable proprietary technical know-how and patents related thereto:
WHEREAS, KOREA COMPANY, LIMITED(hereinafter called KOREA CO.) has been incorporated for the purpose of manufacture and sale of electronic parts in the Republic of Korea:
WHEREAS, KOREA GROUP desires to introduce into KOREA CO. a mass production system and to manufacture higher quality of electronic parts;
WHEREAS, to attain this desire, KOREA GROUP intends to perform a joint venture through KOREA CO. in the Republic of Korea in conjunction with JAPAN and U.S.: and
WHEREAS, U.S. and JAPAN desire to perform a joint venture do described above and intend to subscribe to new shares to be issued by KOREA CO. in accordance with the terms of this Contract, and as the second step to grant KOREA CO. the licens to make, use and sell in the Republic of Korea and to export to Japan and other countries the parts utilizing U.S. technology in accordance with the terms of the Technical Assistance Contract separately entered into on the date hereof;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covernants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. KOREA GROUP agrees to cause KOREA CO. to increase its capital and U.S. JAPAN and KOREA GROUP agree to subscribe to new shares to be issued by KOREA CO. in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth hereunder.
2. Mame of Firm:
The joint venture shall continuously use KOREA COMPANY LIMITED as its name and have its principal office and plant in Seoul/Inchon Area, Korea.
3. KOREA CO. shall have as its purpose the manufacture and sale of electronic parts as may be from time to time agreed to between the parties hereto, and all commercial activities related thereto.
4. Capital and Shares:
4.01. The parties hereto agree that KOREA GROUP shall cause KOREA CO. to increase its authorized capital in the amount of Won 10,000,000 as of January 27, 1974 to Won
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