(검색결과 약 8,832개 중 6페이지)
서식 > 계약서    5페이지 
LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on this 7th day September, 2002 by and between Mr. Gil-Dong Hong, the president of ABC Company, having its main office and place of busines..
영문 특허및기술도입계약서
비지니스 > 무역수출입    14페이지 
LICENSE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT 외국(일본)의 ABC사가 한국의 XYZ에게 특정 기술을 공여(제공)하는 계약서로서, 기술수출자인 ABC사의 입장에서 작성된 것임. 따라서, 기술수출을 추진하는 한국기업..
서식 > 계약서    10페이지 
DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into this th day of , 2001 by and between (회사명),a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea, ha..
서식 > 계약서    2페이지 
LLREAL ESTATE PROPERTY SALES OF AGREEMENT The buyer and the seller, both parties will accept the following terms and conditions. 1. Indication of the real estate property Property situated in..
정보/기술 > BM/법률    2페이지 
TRUST AGREEMENT This Irrevocable Trust Agreement is made this [day] day of [month], 20[year], between [Name], of [address], City of [city], State of [State], herein referred to as Grantor, and [n..
서식 > 계약서    2페이지 
REGISTERED TRADEMARK USER AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on ___,____, 2000__ by and between World Corp. with its office at ___ (hereinafter called XYZ) of the one part and Wond..
영문 고용계약서
서식 > 계약서    2페이지 
【EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT】 NAME : (Family) (Middle and Last) Passport No : Sex : Address : Date of Birth : Nationality : (Month) (Day) (Year) Organization : Position : Employment D..
영문 물품매계약서_1
비지니스 > 무역수출입    1페이지 
SALES AGENCY AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this ___ day of ___, 20__ in ___,___ by ___[Principal] and ___ [Agency]; Whereas, the Principal is the owner and operator of a business known as ___ w..
서식 > 계약서    8페이지 
대리점계약서(AGENCY AGREEMENT) 영문판입니다. This Agreement ("the Agreement") is made this [first day of June 1996], by and between X Inc. ("Agent"), a corporation duly incorporated under the..
Agreement, Agent, Duties, Responsibilites
영문 옵션계약서
비지니스 > 무역수출입    5페이지 
OPTION AGREEMENT(영문옵션계약서) This Agreement, made on the ___ day of ___ by and between ___,a company organized and existing under the laws of ___ ,and having its principal place of business at ..
영문 고용계약서
서식 > 계약서    2페이지 
【EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT】 NAME : (Family) (Middle and Last) Passport No : Sex : Address : Date of Birth : Nationality : (Month) (Day) (Year) Organization : Position : Employment D..
영문 옵션계약서1
비지니스 > 무역수출입    5페이지 
OPTION AGREEMENT This Agreement, made on the day of by and between ,a company organized and existing under the laws of ,and having its principal place of business at hereinafter called , and ,a cor..
서식 > 계약서    5페이지 
옵션계약서 (OPTION AGREEMENT) 영문판입니다. OPTION AGREEMENT(영문‐옵션계약서) This Agreement, made on the ___ day of ___ by and between ___ , a company organized and existing under the laws of _..
commercial merits , limited period
영문 에이젼시계약서
서식 > 계약서    4페이지 
Agency Agreement This Agreement (“the Agreement”) is made this [first day of June 2000], by and between X Inc.(“Agent”),a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Korea wit..
영문 에이젼시계약서
비지니스 > 무역수출입    4페이지 
Agency Agreement This Agreement (“the Agreement”) is made this [first day of June 2000], by and between X Inc.(“Agent”),a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Korea with ..
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