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상품 쇼핑 목록(영문)_자동화서식
서식 > 생활서식    1페이지 
상품 쇼핑 목록(영문)_자동화서식입니다. Holiday Gift Shopping List Christmas 2004 Gift ideas Store name or url List price Purchased (y/n) Wrapped (y/n) Shipping Mom and Dad Charlie Chris Marylou Gr..
서식 > 행정민원서식    2페이지 
〔별지 제133호서식〕 (앞쪽) □ 입항 Arrival 외항선 보고서 □ 출항 Departure General Declaration □ 최초 Notice □ 변경 Change □ 최종 Final □ 취소 Cancel 처리기간 즉시 ◎ 제출번호(적하목록 №: MRN) □□-..
서식 > 행정민원서식    1페이지 
No 194. 234 축산물검역신청서 (APPLICATION FOR ANIMAL PRODUCTS QUARANTINE) 국립수의과학검역원장 귀하 To Director of Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service 종류 (Type of products) 포장수량및포장..
리포트 > 경영/경제    25페이지 
Green Building Dear Green 20074350 김인환 20083352 윤종혁 20073301 김혜정 20083387 장효진 20083266 김성근 20103107 김새롬 Content 1. Green Building Concept Standard 2. Green Building Example 3. Each..
비지니스 > 무역수출입    1페이지 
PACKING LIST ①Seller ⑦Invoice No. and date ②Consignee ⑧Buyer(if other than consignee) ⑨Other references ③Departure date ④Vessel/flight ⑤From ⑥To ⑩Shipping Marks ⑪No. kind of packages ....
비지니스 > 무역수출입    1페이지 
수입화물선취보증신청서 (Application For Letter of Guarantee) ═══ 계 대리 ①선박회사명 (Shipping Co) ⑥신용장(계약서)번호(Number of Credit) ⑦L/G번호(L/G Number) ⑧선하증권번호 (Number of B/L) ②송..
영문 부동산계약서
서식 > 계약서    1페이지 
Contract for Purchasing Apartment 1. Contents of Building Address of Building : Usage : Space : 2. Contents of Contract The Amount of Purchase :₩ Mortgage : First Payment :₩ (at the ti..
영문 부동산계약서
서식 > 계약서    1페이지 
Contract for Purchasing Apartment 1. Contents of Building Address of Building : Usage : Space : 2. Contents of Contract The Amount of Purchase :₩ Mortgage : First Payment :₩ (at the ti..
서식 > 행정민원서식    2페이지 
[47-I-32 외항선입출항신고] 〔별지 제2호서식〕 (앞쪽) 313 □입항 □출항 처리기간 즉시 외항선 신고서 제출번호 □□-□□□□-□□□ (Declaration of Arrival or Departure) 1.선박의 명칭 Name of Ship 2.선박..
우크라이나건강시스템,건강시스템사례,Six Building Blocks,보건경제학
리포트 > 경영/경제    76페이지 
WHO Six Building Blocks CONTENTS WHO Six Building Blocks 우크라이나 CASE STUDY 요약 및 권장사항 I II III - 우크라이나 건강시스템 - 우크라이나 현황 - six building blocks case study WHO Six Buildi..
서식 > 계약서    1페이지 
비자서류중 Contract for Purchasing Apartment (아파트구매계약)양식입니다. Contract for Purchasing Apartment 1. Contents of Building Address of Building : Usage : Space : 2. Contents of Contr..
The Amount of Purchase, First Payment, Payment of Balance
신사옥 건립 피로연 초대장 예문(영문, 해석)
서식 > 생활서식    1페이지 
Mr. Gil-dong Hong President of The Aaa Company cordially invites you to a reception in celebration of the opening of the new office building . . . 이하생략
건축계획 발표자료
정보/기술 > 토목/건축    14페이지 
친환경 건축계획 영어 수업발표자료로서 도움이 될 것입니다. Architectural design must be planned from first stage of project to maximize for reducing energy of building. Generally, architect think en..
친환경 건축계획, 친환경, 영어 친환경 계획
리포트 > 경영/경제    32페이지 
Contents Introduction History Introduction Opportunity Threat Introduction Introduction Past 20’s ~ 30’s↑ 10’s ~ 20’s Present Introduction Introduction Introduction of Beautynet To build an intern..
Panglao Airport for PPP_1202
비지니스 > 사업계획서    40페이지 
필리핀 Panglao Airport for PPP_1202 Bohol’s Value Proposition Opportunities for Tourism General Business Prospects of Panglao Airport * Economic Development Context and Benefits * Tourism Demand..
필리핀, 사업계획서, 공항개발계획
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