
1. 비자서류2.hwp
2. 비자서류2.doc
3. 비자서류2.pdf
비자서류중 Contract for Purchasing Apartment (아파트구매계약)양식입니다.
Contract for Purchasing Apartment

1. Contents of Building
Address of Building :
Usage :
Space :

2. Contents of Contract
The Amount of Purchase :₩
Mortgage :
First Payment :₩ (at the time of contract)
Second Payment :₩(.,)
Payment of Balance :₩(.,)

Hereby, both the seller and the fixer are agreed to vacate the apartment on the ...
The Seller :
Address :
Resident Number :
Name : Tel :

The Fixer
Address :
Resident Number :
Name : Tel :
The Amount of Purchase, First Payment, Payment of Balance