(검색결과 약 8,832개 중 11페이지)
서식 > 계약서    15페이지 
JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT 본 사례는 한국의 XYZ사가 미국의 ABC사와 합작으로 한국내에서 신규 J/V를 설립하고자 하여 ABC가 작성한 초안으로서, 주로 XYZ사의 입장에서 검토한 것임. THIS AGREEMENT made and e..
서식 > 계약서    13페이지 
상품판매를 위한 계약조건(MODEL TERMS OF CONTRACTS FOR SALE OF GOODS)을 영문으로 적은 양식입니다. MODEL TERMS OF CONTRACTS FOR SALE OF GOODS For Sales Between Korean and Chinese Firms and Corpor..
Buyer, Seller, Quantity, Total Amount
서식 > 계약서    7페이지 
OEM AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ___day of ___, 1997, by and between___(BUYER),a California corporation, and XXXX CORP.(ABC),a corporation of the Republic of Korea WITN..
고용 계약서 (영문)
서식 > 계약서    2페이지 
무역회사 고용 계약서(영문)작성 서식입니다. 【EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT】 NAME : (Family) (Middle and Last) Passport No : Sex : Address : Date of Birth : Nationality : (Month) (D..
고용, 계약서, 영문
서식 > 계약서    2페이지 
RETAINER AGREEMENT This Retainer Agreement (the Agreement) is made as of (Date)th day of(Month) (Year) by and between ABC Corp., with its head office at Korea (the Company) and ___[Name of Lawyer..
영문 차관계약서2
비지니스 > 무역수출입    5페이지 
LOAN AGREEMENT(1) THIS LOAN AGREEMENT is made [DATE] between (1) [BORROWER'S NAME] (herein called the Borrower) : and (2) [LENDER'S NAME] (herein called the Lender) IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follow..
영문 차관계약서예제(LOAN AGREEMENT)
서식 > 계약서    5페이지 
LOAN AGREEMENT(1)(영문-차관계약서) THIS LOAN AGREEMENT is made [DATE] between (1) [BORROWER'S NAME] (herein called the Borrower) : and (2) [LENDER'S NAME] (herein called the Lender) IT IS HE..
표준근로 계약서(Standard Labor Contract)
서식 > 계약서    3페이지 
(앞쪽) 표준근로계약서 Standard Labor Contract 아래 당사자는 다음과 같이 근로계약을 체결하고 이를 성실히 이행할 것을 약정한다. The following parties to the contract will agree to fully comply with..
영문 차관계약서3
비지니스 > 무역수출입    35페이지 
LOAN AGREEMENT(2) THIS AGREEMENT date the () day of () nineteen hundred and ninetyfive BETWEEN (1) ()a company duly incorporated and validly existing with good standing under the laws of () and h..
서식 > 계약서    4페이지 
EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT This Employment Agreement is entered into this day of , 20 by and between duly established and existing under the law of having its office at (hereinafter..
영문 법인설립계약서
서식 > 계약서    2페이지 
COOPERATION AGREEMENT(영문법인설립계약서) This Agreement, entered into on the 21s1 day of February, 1994 between 000. CONTROLS, INC, a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of the S..
영문 차관계약서
비지니스 > 무역수출입    31페이지 
LOAN AGREEMENT(2)(영문차관계약서) THIS AGREEMENT date the ___ day of ___ nineteen hundred and ninetyfive BETWEEN (1) ___a company duly incorporated and validly existing with good standing under t..
Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption
서식 > 세무회계서식    1페이지 
[Form No. 81] (00.3.30.개정) Foreign Investment Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption Term of Processing 20 Days Applicant ①Name ②Nationality ③Address (Tel..
Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption
서식 > 세무회계서식    1페이지 
[Form No. 81] (00.3.30.개정) Foreign Investment Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption Term of Processing 20 Days Applicant ①Name ②Nationality ③Address (Tel..
옵션 계약서(영문)
서식 > 계약서    5페이지 
옵션 계약서(영문) 작성 서식입니다. OPTION AGREEMENT(영문‐옵션계약서) This Agreement, made on the ___ day of ___ by and between ___ , a company organized and existing under the laws of ___ ,and ..
옵션, 계약서, 영문
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