고용 계약서 (영문)

1. 무역_회사영문계약서.hwp
2. 무역_회사영문계약서.doc
3. 무역_회사영문계약서.pdf
무역회사 고용 계약서(영문)작성 서식입니다.
(Family) (Middle and Last)
Passport No : Sex :
Address :

Date of Birth : Nationality :
(Month) (Day) (Year)

Organization : Position :

Employment Duration :

This Agreement is made entered into as of the day of , 20 , between (hereinafter referred to as "The Emplyer")
and (hereinafter referred to as " The Employee"). Both parties agree as follows :

1. The Emplyer hereby appoints the Employee to the position of.
2. The duties of the Employee comprise
2. The Employee shall perform, with the best of his/her abilities and knowledge, his/her duties requested and
specified by the Emplyer for the benefit of the Emplyer.
고용, 계약서, 영문