(검색결과 약 13,014개 중 11페이지)
서식 > 행정민원서식    1페이지 
전자문서 이용가능 [별지 제65호의31(1)서식] PCT 방식 심사란 담당 심사관 【Title of Document】WITHDRAWAL OF INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION(DESIGNATION(S)·PRIORITY CLAIM(S)·DEMAND·ELECTION(S)) 【Receiver..
서식 > 세무회계서식    2페이지 
요건면제수입확인 (신청) 서 Requirement Exemption Import Certification(Application) Form 처리기간 : 1일 Handling Time :l Day ① 수입자 무역업신고번호( ) (Importer) (Nortification No) 상호, 주소,..
서식 > 행정민원서식    2페이지 
요건면제수입확인 (신청) 서 Requirement Exemption Import Certification(Application) Form 처리기간 : 1일 Handling Time :l Day ① 수입자 무역업신고번호( ) (Importer) (Nortification No) 상호, 주소,..
납세 증명서
서식 > 세무회계서식    1페이지 
국,영문 혼용 납세 증명서 작성 서식입니다. 납세증명서 Tax Clearance Certificate 납세자 Taxpayer 상호 (법인명) Name of Company 사업자등록번호 Taxpayer Identification  No. 성명 (대표자) Rep..
납세, 증명서
서식 > 회사서식    1페이지 
[별지 제2-6호 서식] ( )무역대리업신고서 A or B-CLASS TRADE AGENCY NOTIFICATION 처리기간 :즉시 Handling Time : Immediate ①상호 (Name of Firm) ④ 전화번호 (Phone Number) ②주소 (Korean Address) ③ 대..
서식 > 행정민원서식    1페이지 
전자문서 이용가능 [별지 제65호의50서식] PCT 방식 심사란 담당 심사관 【Title of Document】REQUEST FOR START OF INTERNATIONAL PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 【Receiver】Commissioner of the Korean Intellect..
영문 갑종근로소득세예문
서식 > 세무회계서식    1페이지 
PAYMENT CERTIFICATE OF INCOME TAX GRADE Issue No. This is to certify that the followings are exactly same as the original Income Tax Grade A, imposed on the basic source of earning under the pro..
영문 갑종근로소득세예문
서식 > 세무회계서식    1페이지 
PAYMENT CERTIFICATE OF INCOME TAX GRADE Issue No. This is to certify that the followings are exactly same as the original Income Tax Grade A, imposed on the basic source of earning under the pro..
Application Form for Qualification
서식 > 행정민원서식    2페이지 
Application Form for Qualification The Self-employed Insured □ The Employee Insured □ ① Household(whole) □ WorkplaceCorporatIon ② Code No. Household(partial) □ (Car..
영문 OEM계약서_1
비지니스 > 무역수출입    7페이지 
OEM Agreement This Agreement, made and entered into as of this __th day of ___, 1999 by and between [ OOO ],a corporation existing under the law of [ OOO ] having its principal address at [ OOO ] (..
서식 > 행정민원서식    1페이지 
전자문서 이용가능 [별지 제59호서식] PCT 방식심사란 담당 심사관 【Title of Document】REMEDY FOR OMISSION IN DOCUMENT 【Receiver】Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office 【I..
서식 > 계약서    27페이지 
JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this [1st] day of [December],[1994] by and between X Inc.,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea(herei..
Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption
서식 > 세무회계서식    1페이지 
[Form No. 81] (00.3.30.개정) Foreign Investment Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption Term of Processing 20 Days Applicant ①Name ②Nationality ③Address (Tel..
Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption
서식 > 세무회계서식    1페이지 
[Form No. 81] (00.3.30.개정) Foreign Investment Application Form for Prior Checking of Tax Reduction or Exemption Term of Processing 20 Days Applicant ①Name ②Nationality ③Address (Tel..
비지니스 > 무역수출입    1페이지 
무역업신고사항변경신고서입니다. ①상호(Name of Firm) ②신고번호 (Notification Number) ③주소 (Korean Address) ④전화번호 (Phone Number) ⑤팩스번호 (Fax Number) ⑥ 대표자 성명 (Name of Rep.) ⑦ 주민등..
무역업, 신고사항, 변경신고서, 신고서
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