크리스피크림 마케팅사례분석및 크리스피크림 새로운 마케팅전략제안 보고서

1. 크리스피크림 마케팅사례분석및 크리스.hwp
2. 크리스피크림 마케팅사례분석및 크리스.pdf
크리스피크림 마케팅사례분석및 크리스피크림 새로운 마케팅전략제안 보고서
1. Executive Summary (목차)

1. Executive Summary

2. Cooperate Connection
1)relationships to other plan
②Strategic alliances
③Customer relationship management (CRM)
2) Marketing related plans
①Advertising and promotion
3) Cooperate direction
①Corporate philosophy

3. Positioning Statement
1) 현재의 입지 및 목표
2) 타 경쟁사와의 비교

4. Environmental Analysis Forecasting
1) Analysis of major environmental factors
2) Competitive analysis
3) Market trends
①Visitor trends
②Competitive trends
③ Related industry trends
4) Market potential
5) Marketing research
6) Desired action

5. Segmentation Targeting
1) Segmentation
①About Segmentation
2) Targeting
① 주중
② 주말
3) Research materials
① 대학생
② 교인들

6. Action Plans - ①
1) Sales strategies
① Prevent erosion of key account
② Grow key accounts
③ Grow selected marginal accounts
④ Eliminate selected marginal accounts