Insurance Company’s Financial Status Analysis

1. Insurance Company’s Financial Statu.pptx
2. Insurance Company’s Financial Status.pdf
Insurance Company’s Financial Status Analysis
Insurance Company’s Financial Status Analysis

Ⅰ. Introduction of insurance industry

Ⅱ. Top pick - Samsung Fire Marine

Ⅲ. Applying IFRS

Ⅳ. Conclusion
Ⅰ. Introduction of insurance industry
What is Insurance

Our team is going to cover property insurance since property insurance’s top pick is much prominent than life insurance.
Property Insurance
Life Insurance
Ⅰ. Introduction of insurance industry
Property Insurance

- Long-term insurance(3~15)
· Permanent Insurance
· Savings Insurance!!!

- Car insurance
: Now in declining trend due to Global Crisis

- General insurance · Fire
· Marine
· Special
Ⅰ. Introduction of insurance industry
Revenue structure of property insurance
Ⅰ. Introduction of insurance industry
Top 5 Market Share

Ⅰ. Introduction of insurance industry
Change of Financial Regulation

Ⅱ. Top pick - Samsung Fire Marine
Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why

Samsung Fire Marine

Ⅱ. Top pick - Samsung Fire Marine