
1. 스마트신발,스마트제품,나이키스마트신.ppt
2. 스마트신발,스마트제품,나이키스마트신.pdf
Run! more Smartly
Nike + iPod iPhone
What is Nike+
How to use Nike+
What IT used in Nike+
Effect of Nike+
Strength of Nike+
What is Nike+
Helps you track your

-Calories burn while you run
-You can send your run’s record on Nike+ online.

-You can set goals, join challenges and connect with friends in the Nike+ community.
What is Nike+
How to use Nike+
How to use Nike+
Step 1. Ready

iPod nano, iPod touch, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4

a pair of Nike+ Shoes

Nike + iPod Sport Kit or Sensor
How to use Nike+
Put the sensor in your Nike+ shoe there’s a Built-in pocket specifically designed for it under the Insole.
How to use Nike+
Step 2. Set

Then connect the receiver to your iPod nano, iPod touch, iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 4 Include built-in support for Nike + iPod, so no receiver is necessary.
How to use Nike+
It gives you feedback at the halfway point and in the final lead-up to your goal.
How to use Nike+