Energy consumption
Water conservation
1) Why water
2) Water as an energy source
2. Background Analysis
1) Current Situation
(1) World is facing serious water shortage.
(2) Korea is a water shortage country
(3 )Water consumption in Korea
2) BLOT analysis
3. Target Audience
4. PR strategy
1L of fresh air will be sold for 1,000 won at convenience store.
In 20 years,
Nobody would have thought that we have to buy water to drink.
About 20 years ago,
Why water
Human body is formed with water.
water works on every function of human body
74.5% of brain
82.7% of kidney
83% of blood
75.6% of muscles
and even 22% of bones are consisted of water.
If you lose
1~2%(0.8L) of water in your body, you suffer from thirst
5%(2L) of water, you fall into a coma
12%, you can lose your life.
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