House of Quality

1. House of Quality.pptx
2. House of Quality.pdf
House of Quality
House of quality
What’s so hard about Design
Before the industrial revolution, producers were close to their customers. Marketing, engineering, and manufacturing were integrated in the same individual.

Marketing people have their domain, engineers their. Customer surveys will find their way onto designers’ desks, and R D plans reach manufacturing engineers.

But usually, managerial functions remain disconnected, producing a costly and demoralizing environment in which product quality and the quality of the production process itself suffer.
Top executives are learning that the use of interfunctional teams benefits design.

But if top management could get marketing, designing, and manufacturing executives to sit down together, what should these people talk about How could they get their meeting off the ground

-An American sporty car maker: the location of an emergency brake lever
-Toyota: rust prevention (body durability)