HTC Corporation
This presentation and release contains “forward-looking statements” which may
include our future results of operations, financial condition or business prospects,
are based on our own information and from other sources.
Our actual results of operations, financial condition or business prospects may differ
from those expressed or implied in these forward looking statements for a variety of
reasons, including risks of market condition, supply chain, market demand, and our
ability to maintain a high quality products delivery.
The forward-looking statements in this release reflect the current belief of HTC as of
the date of this release and HTC undertakes no obligation to update these forward-
looking statements for events or circumstances that occur subsequent to such date.
Mobile Convergence
Voice Centric
2.5G / 3G / 3.5G Devices
Data Centric
Notebook /
Internet + Push Email
+ Multimedia + Office + Messaging
PDA Phone
HTC 기업분석과 경영성공요인 및 앞으로의방향 H T C
우리나라와 비교한 대만 중소기업의 특징과 현황
세계 16대 무역국가. 또한 중소기업이 전체 기업의 97%, 고용의 77%, 수출의 51%로 우리나라와 크게 다르지 않은 경제 구조
대만의 이러한 힘은 바로 중소기..