1. Introduction
1.1. Theoritical Background
1.2. What Globalization it is
2. Positive effects of Globalization
2.1. Reasons why we support Globalization.
2.1.1. Increased Competition
2.1.2. Employment
2.1.3. Spread of Technical Know-How
2.1.4. Rise in Opportunities
2.1.5. Rise in Investment Levels
2.2. examples that support Globalization
3. Negative effects of Globalization
3.1. Reasons why people object to Globalization
3.1.1. Inequality
3.2. Evidence of Negative Effects
3.2.1. China
3.2.2. India
3.3. Destruction of Environment
(A+ Essay) Cyber culture 이 자료는 Cyber culture에 대한 A+ Essay이다.
I. Introduction
II. Main
1. Concepts of Cyberculture
2. Definitions of cyberculture
3. Cyberculture as theory of new media
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*이대로 두고 볼 수는 없지 않은가..
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(1,784 words; posted Thursday, Jan. 23; to be composted Thursday, Jan. 30)
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