
1. 미스터피자(1).ppt
2. 미스터피자(1).pdf
[ Company s strategy that changed the consumers perception toward product or brand ]
Introduction / reason for
choosing company
Change of sales after the
marketing strategy
Marketing strategy to
change the perception
Comparison between early
rival companies
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Company s history
(1990 ~ present)
1990 Mr.Pizza Corporation was founded.
2004 The company changed its slogan from non-grease
handmade pizza to Made for Women and focused
their main target to women. Designated every 7th
of the month Mr.Pizza’s Day for Women .
2006 The company became official sponsor of Korea
Women’s Football League. Awarded the grand prize twice
in a row for Women customer’s pick
2007 Changed its slogan to Love for Women and strengthen
the marketing strategy on women.
Korea management Association choose Mr.Pizza as number
one company on customer satisfaction measurement.