The above mentioned consignment shipped by the Dongyang Wool Textile Co. Ltd., Korea, arrived at Tilbury, London, on or about the 14th January, 2000 and upon examination of these goods after landing, 17 pieces out of the entire consignment of 87 pieces were found to be damaged. This was immediately reported to this Liverpool & Glasgow Salvage Association, 303 Derby House, Liverpool.
The surveyors of the said salvage company inspected the goods at our agent's warehouse and after discussion with our chairman, Mr. Ferszt, have decided to collect the damaged pieces for disposal.
The enclosed copy of our letter of even date of self explanatory: and we trust by now the Liverpool & Glasgow Salvage Association will have reported their findings to you.
[무역] 수출입절차 수입 절차
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해상보험계약의 법률상 유효 조건과 보험금 청구절차 본 자료는 해상보험계약의 법률상 유효 조건으로 청약과 승낙, 약인(consideration), 적법한 목적, 법률상 유자격대상자 등에 대해 기술하였으며, 보상청구와 피보험자의 의무에 대해 간략하게 정리하였음. 또한, ..