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문화, 민족성, 주체성(Culture, Ethnicity and Identity) 영문-번역 보고서
리포트 > 사회과학    10페이지 
Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Subject ◆ Culture and Ethnicity ◆ Identity ◆ Culture, Ethnicity and Identity: an Interplay ◆ Self-identity and Practice with Ethnic Minority Children ◆ Negating the Other`s S..
문화, 민족성, 주체성, Culture, Ethnicity, Identity
문화, 민족성, 동일성(Culture, Ethnicity and Identity) 영문 PPT 보고서
리포트 > 사회과학    21페이지 
▷ Conclusion Black culture: culture of black and ethnic minority Black perspectives: perspectives of black and ethnic minority →We must recognize many culture besides our culture. →we need as dive..
Culture, Ethnicity, Identity, 문화, 민족성, 동일성