(검색결과 약 15,893개 중 50페이지)
자동차 산업 트렌드,. IT융합으로 인한 자동차 진화방향,자동차스마트키,자동차와IT
리포트 > 경영/경제    62페이지 
비싼차는 비싼값을 한다. 목 차 1.자동차 산업의 트렌드 100년 역사, 산업혁명 시대를 이끈 자동차 산업이 년 파괴적 전환시대를 맞이하고 있음 “In the next 10 years, we will experience more change than in t..
서식 > 이력서    2페이지 
K.Srinivas Skill sets: Ms - Dos, Windows, Windows NT, Unix. C, C++, MFC, VB 6.0, ActiveX, COM, DCOM, Ms Office. FoxPro 2.6, Oracle, Sybase. Spread 5, Crystal Reports. Area of Responsibility..
영어1 2과 Uniqueness of Korean Cuisine Kimchi
리포트 > 인문/어학    4페이지 
영어1 2과 Uniqueness of Korean Cuisine Kimchi 해석본입니다^^ 영어1 2과 Uniqueness of Korean Cuisine Kimchi 해석본입니다^^ The average lifespan of Koreans continues to rise, according to the 2008 Kor..
영어1 2과 Uniqueness of, Korean Cuisine, Kimchi, 김치, 영어 해석
정보/기술 > 기타    18페이지 
1. 원문 The Lottery by Shirley Jackson The Lottery The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass ..
정보, 기타
서식 > 이력서    4페이지 
P RAVI RAMA CHANDRA RAO ABSTRACT J Having more than two years of experience in IT Industry J Involved in System Administration on Sun Solaris J Involved coding and testing of grabber technol..
영문 특별상업송장
서식 > 회사서식    1페이지 
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY UNITD STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE SPECIAL CUSTOMS INVOICE 19 U.S.C. 1481, 1482, 1484 (Use separate invoice for purchased and nonpurchased goods.) 1. SELLER 2. DOCUMENT NR..
영문 특별상업송장
서식 > 외국어서식    1페이지 
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY UNITD STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE SPECIAL CUSTOMS INVOICE 19 U.S.C. 1481, 1482, 1484 (Use separate invoice for purchased and nonpurchased goods.) 1. SELLER 2. DOCUMENT NR..
납세증명서Tax Clearance Certificate
서식 > 세무회계서식    1페이지 
[납세서비스사무처리규정 제3호 서식] 발급번호 Issuance number 납세증명서 Tax Clearance Certificate 처리기간 Processing period 즉시 (단, 해외이주용 10일) Immediately(Ten days for Emigration..
서식 > 계약서    7페이지 
OEM AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ___day of ___, 1997, by and between___(BUYER),a California corporation, and XXXX CORP.(ABC),a corporation of the Republic of Korea WITN..
서식 > 회사서식    2페이지 
대금결제 이행완료 사실 확인서신 March 21, 2000 Dongah Trading Company I. P. 0. Box 330 Seoul, Korea Dear Mr. Kim, First, enclosed please find money order #0846315 for $80.00 to cover paym..
Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income,Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage&Salary Income
서식 > 세무회계서식    2페이지 
[Tax Form 37] (Page1) □ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income □ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage&Salary Income Employee Name Resident(Foreign) Reg. No. ­ Employer Name ..
Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income,Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage&Salary Income
서식 > 세무회계서식    2페이지 
[Tax Form 37] (Page1) □ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income □ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage&Salary Income Employee Name Resident(Foreign) Reg. No. ­ Employer Name ..
영문 합작투자계약서
비지니스 > 무역수출입    14페이지 
JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered into this ( )th day of (), 1992, by and between: 1. (),a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws YoungdungpoGu, Seoul 150721,..
서식 > 계약서    10페이지 
DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into this th day of , 2001 by and between (회사명),a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea, ha..
서식 > 계약서    7페이지 
OEM AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ___day of ___, 1997, by and between___(BUYER),a California corporation, and XXXX CORP.(ABC),a corporation of the Republic of Korea WITN..
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