(검색결과 약 227개 중 4페이지)
서식 > 회사서식    1페이지 
수출업자에게 L/C 발행통보 Your Company Name Your company Address Seoul, Korea 03-Sep-99 S.H. Lee/General Manager To Company Name To Company Address Seoul, Korea Dear Sir, We thank yo..
Independent Agent Agreement
서식 > 계약서    1페이지 
Independent Agent Agreement File: 12345-A123 October 23, 2007 To ○○○ COLLEGE Attn ○○○/ President Subject : Independent Agent Agreement of ○○○ College We are transmitting 5page(s) inc..
서식 > 자기소개서    1페이지 
WHO I AM a laughing therapist. Brand power is me Applicant: Kim bo kyoung Mobile phone: 010 8484 7523 My daughter is sponge my father said to me when I was young. He taught me all about life. It ..
영문 무역물품매도확약서
비지니스 > 무역수출입    1페이지 
Exporter & Manufactures Messrs. Our Ref. Seoul OFFER SHEET We are pleased to offer the undermentioned article(s) as per conditions and details described as follows Origin : Packing : Shipment : S..
아이팟 터치 IPOD 광고기획서(영문레포트)
리포트 > 경영/경제    16페이지 
iPod Touch3rd Generation 1 1. Our Ad Objective message I-pod Touch 3rd Early Market → Growth Objective 2 1. Our Ad Objective message Message Slogan : Whatever you want ! Just touch / I’m your gen..
서식 > 계약서    1페이지 
물품매도확약서 (OFFER SHEET) Messrs. Our Ref. Seoul ... We are pleased to offer the under-mentioned article(s) as per conditions and details described as follows: Item No. Commodity ..
서식 > 회사서식    1페이지 
물품매도확약서 (OFFER SHEET) Messrs. Our Ref. Seoul ... We are pleased to offer the under-mentioned article(s) as per conditions and details described as follows: Item No. Commodity & Descriptio..
리포트 > 경영/경제    12페이지 
International Communication Practice [ I am Sam ] - help educate children in need - Our strategy Kim Chiho Ma Yiwen Jung Joohyun Oh Eunhwa Kim Sejin Ni Jiali Ren Zhaoyuan Message Design 2. Online Ac..
서식 > 회사서식    1페이지 
물 품 매 도 확 약 서 (OFFER SHEET) Messrs. Our Ref. Seoul ... We are pleased to offer the under-mentioned article(s) as per conditions and details described as follows: Item No. Comm..
대학관련, 대학서식, 서식
마케팅 Marketing,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례
리포트 > 경영/경제    13페이지 
마케팅 Marketing 제품 가격 책정에 따른 마케팅 전략 product line pricing optional - product price captive - product pricing by - product pricing product bundle pricing Introduction Index Conclus..
문화, 민족성, 동일성(Culture, Ethnicity and Identity) 영문 PPT 보고서
리포트 > 사회과학    21페이지 
▷ Conclusion Black culture: culture of black and ethnic minority Black perspectives: perspectives of black and ethnic minority →We must recognize many culture besides our culture. →we need as dive..
Culture, Ethnicity, Identity, 문화, 민족성, 동일성
대한항공 광고전략분석및 제안(영문레포트)
리포트 > 경영/경제    6페이지 
Team Project Korean Airline Advertisement Campaign [일본에게 일본을 묻다] ◈ Chosen Advertisement Our chosen advertisement campaign is TV commercial, Internet banners and printed advertisements of ..
리포트 > 경영/경제    13페이지 
Slide to unlock consumption of Apple Contents 1. introduction 2. Analyze in-depth selected Apple, why you select that Apple 3. Which subculture group in Korea consumes that Apple you have select..
리포트 > 경영/경제    39페이지 
Guys, come to Starbucks contents Background External Analysis Internal Analysis Customer Analysis Conclusion contents Background External Analysis Internal Analysis Customer Analysis Conclusion Back..
리포트 > 사회과학    40페이지 
Satisfaction of Traveling Korea among Foreign Students attending Universities in Seoul Contents Context of the survey Correlation Analysis Conclusion Limitation Frequency Analysis Crosstabulation C..
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