(검색결과 약 30,684개 중 32페이지)
서식 > 계약서    1페이지 
TERMINATION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT(계약종료대비계약서) This Termination and Settlement Agreement(Agreement), dated Mar 7, 1999, by and between ABC Company, having its head office at ___ (Licens..
서식 > 계약서    4페이지 
사후관리계약서(AFTER‐SERVICE AGREEMENT) 영문판 입니다. This Agreement made and entered into this ___ day of ___, 20__ by and between ABC Co., Ltd., a corporation organized and existing under the la..
Products, Services, Customers
서식 > 계약서    15페이지 
JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT 본 사례는 한국의 XYZ사가 미국의 ABC사와 합작으로 한국내에서 신규 J/V를 설립하고자 하여 ABC가 작성한 초안으로서, 주로 XYZ사의 입장에서 검토한 것임. THIS AGREEMENT made and e..
리포트 > 기타    3페이지 
1.원문 Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow from Macbeth Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day To the last syllable of recorded time, And all our yesterd..
리포트, 레포트
영문 라이센스계약서
비지니스 > 무역수출입    24페이지 
LICENSE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, XYZ has been engaged mainly in the design, manufacture and sale of electric cables and industrial machineries and equipment, and WHEREAS, ABC is willing to grant and rend..
영문 옵션계약서1
비지니스 > 무역수출입    5페이지 
OPTION AGREEMENT This Agreement, made on the day of by and between ,a company organized and existing under the laws of ,and having its principal place of business at hereinafter called , and ,a cor..
서식 > 계약서    15페이지 
TECHNICAL LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on <일자> of<월> 199< >by and between <기술제공회사명 >,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of <기술제공국명>, h..
복제양 (영문)
리포트 > 자연과학    3페이지 
1) INTRODUCTION Nowadays , cloning has been a hot issue not only in religious groups, but also among ordinary people. A sheep called Dolly made a big controversy . This invention was made by a sc..
영문 계약종료대비계약서
서식 > 계약서    1페이지 
TERMINATION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT(계약종료대비계약서) This Termination and Settlement Agreement(Agreement), dated Mar 7, 1999, by and between ABC Company, having its head office at ___ (Licens..
영문 계약종료대비계약서
비지니스 > 무역수출입    1페이지 
TERMINATION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT(계약종료대비계약서) This Termination and Settlement Agreement(Agreement), dated Mar 7, 1999, by and between ABC Company, having its head office at ___ (Licensee..
서식 > 계약서    17페이지 
LICENSE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT 외국(일본)의 ABC사가 한국의 XYZ에게 특정 기술을 공여(제공)하는 계약서로서, 기술수출자인 ABC사의 입장에서 작성된 것임. 따라서, 기술수출을 추진하는 한국기업..
블랙홀이 지구에도 있는가
리포트 > 자연과학    3페이지 
lack Holes : Are They Here On Earth Soviet physicist,A.P.Trofimenko,speculated in the summer of 1990 that mini-black holes are eve- A rywhere-including here on Earth.But,what exactly is a mini-bl..
영문 일반계약서양식
서식 > 계약서    1페이지 
CONTRACT This contract is made on , 20 between the parties of (name) , city of , in the state (address) of and , of , (name) (address) city of , in the state of . The parties ab..
리포트 > 경영/경제    34페이지 
Franchise COFFEE house 학번 이름 Franchise Coffee house 1. New product strategies 2. Product bundle pricing 3. Item differentiation 4. 2nd degree price discrimination Body Introduction INDEX Conc..
옵션 계약서(영문)
서식 > 계약서    5페이지 
옵션 계약서(영문) 작성 서식입니다. OPTION AGREEMENT(영문‐옵션계약서) This Agreement, made on the ___ day of ___ by and between ___ , a company organized and existing under the laws of ___ ,and ..
옵션, 계약서, 영문
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