(검색결과 약 16,885개 중 11페이지)
영문 기술라이센스계약서
서식 > 계약서    12페이지 
TECHNICAL LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on <일자> of<월> 199< >by and between <기술제공회사명 >,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of <기술제공국명>, h..
영문 대리점계약서
서식 > 계약서    6페이지 
AGENCY AGREEMENT 본 계약서 Sample은 한국무역대리점 협회에서 표준 계약서로서 추천하는 것이나, 완벽한 것이라고는 할수 없는 만큼 필요에 따라 적절히 수정하여 사용할 필요있음. 한국기업이 해외의 특정인..
영문 대리점계약서
서식 > 계약서    6페이지 
AGENCY AGREEMENT 본 계약서 Sample은 한국무역대리점 협회에서 표준 계약서로서 추천하는 것이나, 완벽한 것이라고는 할수 없는 만큼 필요에 따라 적절히 수정하여 사용할 필요있음. 한국기업이 해외의 특정인..
영문 상호라이센스계약서
비지니스 > 무역수출입    8페이지 
Cross License Agreement(영문상호라이센스계약서) This Agreement, entered into on the ___ day of ,___,___ by and between ___,a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of ___, with princip..
영문 구매 계약서(Purchase Agreement)
서식 > 계약서    9페이지 
Purchase Agreement This Agreement is made and entered into on this ( )th day of (), 200( ), by and between ABC Co., Ltd.,a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic o..
서식 > 계약서    8페이지 
상호라이센스계약서 영문판입니다. This Agreement, entered into on the ___ day of , ___ , ___ by and between ___ , a corporation constituted in accordance with the laws of ___ , with principal l off..
Products, Territory, Free Area
서식 > 계약서    14페이지 
JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT BETWEEN KOREAN PARTY AND FOREIGN PARTY THIS AGREEMENT is made the ___ day of ___, 19__, between Korean Party, a company organized and existing under the laws of Korea w..
리포트 > 경영/경제    19페이지 
- Reports - [Analysis Marketing of Korean Air and Asiana Airlines] contents Ⅰ. The motivation of selecting subject Ⅱ. Introduction of Korean air and Asiana air Ⅲ. Analysis of 4P strategy Ⅳ. An..
리포트 > 경영/경제    35페이지 
HANA TOUR Contents Introduction of Travel Industry Introduction of Hana Tour Analysis of SWOT Analysis of Five Force Model 2 x 2 Matrix Our Strategy Introduction of Travel Industry History of ..
리포트 > 경영/경제    31페이지 
SWOT 1 SWOT analysis of ROMANSON Strength__ Factor One : Design R D Potentials of ROMANSON SWOT 1 SWOT analysis of ROMANSON SWOT 1 SWOT analysis of ROMANSON SWOT 1 ROMANSO specialized and divided ..
리포트 > 공학/기술    18페이지 
PULL 흐름라인의 산출량 변동성을 최소화하는 작업자 배정안 최상웅 Server Assignment Policy for Minimizing the Output Variability of a Pull Serial Line Choe, Sang Woong 1) Abstract Variability and..
리포트 > 경영/경제    60페이지 
Distributing Services - 서비스 마케팅 Introduction Service Company Customer Where When How Introduction + 2 Trends Trend 1 Internet Speed Revolution! Trend 2 Distribution Type of contact : Options ..
리포트 > 경영/경제    33페이지 
Think different. 시대의 아이콘, APPLE Chapter1. Apple - Introduction Chapter2. Marketing of Apple Chapter3. Power of Apple Apple Inc. Introduction Chapter 1. Apple Inc. 선정 동기 History of Apple [..
리포트 > 경영/경제    29페이지 
Principle of marketing 1 INDEX 1234567 Trends of Cosmetics Industry About Shiseido SWOT Analysis Marketing Mix Competitor Analysis BCG matrix STP analysis 82 Marketing Strategies Trends of 4 Trends..
영문 OEM계약서_1
비지니스 > 무역수출입    7페이지 
OEM Agreement This Agreement, made and entered into as of this __th day of ___, 1999 by and between [ OOO ],a corporation existing under the law of [ OOO ] having its principal address at [ OOO ] (..
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