Cold Stone 콜드스톤 마케팅사례분석및 콜드스톤 문제점분석과 해결방안및새로운 마케팅전략제안 (영어레포트)

1. cold stone 콜드스톤 마케팅사례분석.docx
2. cold stone 콜드스톤 마케팅사례분석및.pdf
Cold Stone 콜드스톤 마케팅사례분석및 콜드스톤 문제점분석과 해결방안및새로운 마케팅전략제안 (영어레포트)

I. The reason why we chose this brand

II. Analysis of the external environment
1. Market Analysis
2. Competitor Analysis
III. Analysis of the internal environment
1. Market segmentation, targeting, positioning (STP)
2. 4P Analysis of Cold Stone
3. Customer Features of Cold Stone
4. Problems Related to 4P Strategy
IV. SWOT Analysis

V. Solution and Marketing Strategy

I. The reason why we chose this brand