
1. 한국에서기업간하청거래의성과에관한연.hwp
2. 한국에서기업간하청거래의성과에관한연.pdf
韓國에서 企業間下請去來의成果에 관한 硏究

洪長杓(산업경제학과 전임강사)

A Study On the Performance of Inter-firm Sucontracting in Korea


This paper aims to evaluate inter-firm subcontracting in Korean automobile industry. For this purpose, the subcontract price and productivity of subcontractors in automobile parts industry are investigated. The results are as follows. Parent firms ( firms offering the subcontract) in automobile industry assisted subcontractors to increase labour productivity by financial-technical aids and stable subcontract. So labour productivity in automobile parts industry increased steadily. And parent firms consolidated their monopolistic positions in factor markets through vertical quasi-integration.

I. 序論

본 논문은 한국에서 70년대 중화학공업화 이후 등장하기 시작하여 80년대에 정착된 기업간 하청계열거래의 성과를 평가하는데 그 목적이 있다.