Case study of Turkey
Turkey! Here we go!!
About Turkey
Country: Republic of Turkey
Capital city: Ankara
Location: Near Greek, Iran, Iraq and Black sea
People: Around 74,709 thousands
Religion: Islam(more than 98%)
Language: Turkey, Arabic
Climate: Mediterranean climate, an island
Political: parliamentary government
Introduction of Turkey
Close from Europe.
Work force- Inexpensive and plentiful .
]] Base of Europe market’s
Can connect Europe, Central Asia,
The middle East.
]] strategy points of
Try to make more relationships with others because of new markets of blue oceans.
Economy Trend
Trade Trend(Export)
Trade Trend(Import)
Korea Turkey
Relationships about Trade and Invest
]]Turkey has 32nd (Export), 51st(Import) **the basis line is Korea
Current state of Trade
Current state of Trade
Korea to Turkey
Current state of Investment
Turkey has 67th(Korea’s investment main agent) ,12nd(Korea’s investment target)
[국제마케팅] 터키에 대한 분석 목차
1. 터키
2. 터키의 인종
3. 터키의 언어
4. 터키의 종교
5. 터키의 사회
6. 터키의 문화
7. 터키의 경제
8. 우리나라와 터키의 관계
9. 앞으로 터키에 진출할 산업과 그 이유
10. 레포트를 하면서 느낀점