1 English analytic philosophy and the Vienna Circle
At the turn of the century GE Moore and Bertrand Russell were engaged in a rebellion against the dominant philosophy of the late British Empire. As young men they were influenced by an English Hegelianism that identified the Empire with the progression of reason first characterised by Hegel. In British universities TH Green, Edward Caird and others made the Hegelian ideal of universal progress the orthodoxy.
페미니즘문학이론2 페미니즘 문학이론(2)
지난 호에서 살펴본 것처럼, 영미 페미니즘 문학이론가들의 작업은 문학작품 속에 나타난 가부장적 고정관념에 대한 폭로와 여성에 대한 성차별적 왜곡에 대한 공격에서 출발하여 1970년대..
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