Ⅰ. Why we choose NHN s organizational culture.
Ⅱ. About NHN
Ⅲ. NHN s Organizational Culture
1. The Innovative Culture of NHN.
1) A horizontal culture where we can communicate flawlessly
- NHN Cooperative Management Policy.
2) Equally provided opportunities between men and women
3) Family-like Company Culture.
4) Innovative spirit, ideas, and the challenging mind.
2. Employee Welfare and Facilities
1) Eco-friendly and convenient working condition
2) High-quality welfare system
3. Promoting Self-improvement
1) Educational system
2) Club supporting
4. Performance Management
1) NICS (NHN Interpersonal Communication System)
2) Reward system and employee learning system
3) Gender equality on recruiting and promoting
Ⅳ. Interview
Ⅴ. Conclusion
∎ Reference
Ⅰ. Why We Choose NHN s Organizational Culture.
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