
1. 리더.pptx
2. 리더.pdf
Who is Jerry Yang
Who is Jerry Yang
Who is Jerry Yang
I will help you guys!
Yahoo’s life is not really gone.
Yahoo’s life is not really gone.
What are the causes of the crisis
we want to more grow up!
What are the causes of the crisis
This is all because
of my leadership.

I need your help!
(We analyzed his leadership
based on his actions and statements)
1. Task-Oriented Leadership
1. Task-Oriented Leadership
We operate the company
focused on profitability.
( It is a terrible thing which is
not profitable Jerry Yang )
1. Task-Oriented Leadership
Yellow purple
1. Task-Oriented Leadership
We are cheaper
than other colors
1. Task-Oriented Leadership
2. Timid leader, Jerry Yang