비밀 계약서 (영문)

1. 회사_비밀계약서_영문.hwp
2. 회사_비밀계약서_영문.doc
3. 회사_비밀계약서_영문.pdf
비밀 계약서(영문) 작성 서식입니다.

THIS Agreement, entered into this _____ day of _____ , 2001 by and having its between _______ having _____ its ______ registered office at _________ (hereinafter called " XYZ") _______ at _______ having its office at __________ (hereinafter called the "Recipient")


Whereas the Recipient has been fully informed of and satisfied itself as to the confidential nature of the proprietary Information (as hereinafter defined) and as to the content of any and all stipulations hereinafter contained ;

Whereas the Recipient has agreed to maintain the trade secret status of such information ;

Whereas XYZ is prepared to disclose, at XYZ's selection, to the Recipient certain information on the following conditions ;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of XYZ's supplying to the Recipient Proprietary Information, the parties hereto
agree as follow :
비밀, 계약서, 영문