
1. 거래_희망_서신.hwp
2. 거래_희망_서신.doc
3. 거래_희망_서신.pdf
거래 희망 서신

5th October, 2000
Dear Sir,

Your name and address have been recommended to. us by very good business friends of ours.

We are importers of garments in Germany, running our business for many years successfully. Our goods are sold by 25 travellers all over the country. Furthermore, we have 5 distribution centres of our own in which we keep stock for distribution. Besides this, all the important customers such as wholesalers, mail order firms', and cooperative societies' are visited by us directly. We keep very good and sound contacts in this line, too. Our buyer, Mr. Abel, will be in Seoul from 29th October till 1st October. He will contact you by phone to arrange an appointment. We hope to have the opportunity of discussing with you the possibility of establishing business relations between our firms to our mutual benefit.

For bank reference please use the Commerzbank AG, Bremen. The correspondent bank in Seoul is the Korea Exchange Bank.
Please reply this letter to Hotel Hyatt Regency, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Telex HX 3125, or e-mail abc@abc.com. Mr. Abel will stay in Hongkong from 11th till 24th October, and then from 1st till 10th October.

Thanking you for your attention, and hoping that this letter will lead to good business relations for the future, we remain,

Yours faithfully,