Travel Checklist for Plane Trip
Done Planning the Trip Notes
Enroll in frequent flyer mileage program
Request in-flight meals for special dietary needs
Check auto insurance policy to ensure coverage on rental car
Check medical insurance policy for coverage of out-of-town needs
Decide whether to purchase travel insurance
Request smoking/non-smoking accommodations
Purchase or arrange to borrow guidebooks and phrase books for destination
Ensure passport or visa is current
Done Arrangements Notes
Arrange for pet sitter
Arrange for houseplant and lawn care
Arrange for pickup of packages and solicitations left at door
Leave emergency contact info and itinerary with relative or friend
Get appropriate innoculations for destination
Verify available spending limits on credit cards
Purchase local currency
Purchase traveler s checks
Pay bills
Put hold on newspapers
Put hold on mail
Arrange transportation to and from airport
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확인 목록
번호 날짜 트랜잭션 설명 C 차변(-) 대변(+) 잔액
12-20-04 이전 잔액 ₩435,000.99 ₩435,000,990.00
1033 12-21-04 식료품 ₩123,000.78 ₩434,877,989.22
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